Our Services
Workplace CultureThe go-to experts for all your workplace culture needs.
Using the Hofstede Insights Multi-Focus Model, we accurately measure actual and desired culture at an organisation and sub-group/team level, work with leader teams to identify optimal culture requirements, and provide in-depth insights into closing the current>future state gaps. Our process delivers clarity on how your workplace culture both supports and detracts from your organisation’s strategic objectives.
Culture Diagnostics
Unsure if culture is impacting your business outcomes? Before jumping into comprehensive cultural change, a culture scan & assessment can reveal key factors that need to be addressed. Regular culture scan checks can help you stay on track.
Culture Change Strategy
Culture change can seem overwhelming, particularly when there are multiple factors to address. Tailored to the unique needs of your business, our culture strategy planning provides a structured approach to change.
Culture Transformation
Culture is a buzz term in business nowadays, yet few organisations commit to more than a tick-the-box culture change initiative. As culture specialists, we don’t do tick-the-box. If you’re committed to culture transformation, we can help.
Culture Diagnostics & Assessment
We use the Hofstede Insights culture diagnostics tool & Multi-Focus Model to provide leaders with a clear picture of their workplace culture current state (actual), future state (optimal) & what’s required to bridge the current>future state gap.
“Culture can become a secret weapon that makes extraordinary things happen.”
Jon Katzenbach
Diagnosing Actual Culture
We first work with clients to define the groups to be measured, then distribute an online survey (Hofstede Insights) to recipients. The de-identified data responses provide an accurate picture of where the teams/groups sit across six strategic windows.
Identifying Optimal Culture
Optimal culture must align with & enable the execution of business strategy. Defining optimal culture starts with workshopping the core elements of strategy with the leader team. We then drill down to identify where the organisation/team needs to sit across the six culture elements in order to support business strategy execution.
Once we’ve captured the actual culture state & have worked with the leader team to identify the optimal culture, we then assess which specific culture elements are prioritised & need to be addressed to shift towards the optimal culture state.
Culture Change Strategy
The final piece in this process is documenting the steps the leader team has prioritised in a Culture Change Strategy so that implementation can be managed by internal leaders/change agents.
Contact us for a free culture consultation
Let’s discuss what approach to culture enhancement could work for your organisation.
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